Tuesday, January 10, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 5:45 pm

This was me,when I was devout,and obedient,and nice,and.... well, not me.


At 8:47 am, Blogger shari

Awwwwwwwww! That is SO sweet! Angelic. :)


At 2:09 pm, Blogger Div

Soooo cute!

What happened on the way?!?


At 2:28 am, Blogger Abigail Alexis~

He,he,he....What a cutie you were. Do we get an updated picture ?

:) AB


At 1:58 pm, Blogger Naveen Roy

Hey Annamika....good to see you back!!! I have caught up on your blog after quite some time....so whats happening??
Yeah, the pic was nice....is that really you??


At 2:50 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

@Shari:Thanks.I'm not angelic at all now.Not even close.

@Div:Situations,circumstances,TV,etc.,etc.You know the story.

@AB:Sorry,but I really don't feel like putting an updated photo yet.
Maybe some more of my cute baby pics?

@Crystal:See,it was like this.My mom and grandma,and even my dad a little,decked me up in a traditional way for the shoot.I think I hated it,coz you can see that fallen bangle in the picture.

@Roy:Hey,welcome back!Well,thats not really me,you know.I'm just pretending to be someone else(I liked Madhuri Dikshit then)in the photo.(winkwink)

@Anamika:Hey,you're through with the 5th semester!


At 8:37 am, Blogger Karthik Dinakar

Thats so cute !

Why cant we all just stay young and never grow up?


At 10:23 am, Blogger Abigail Alexis~

Well....who would turn down cute baby pictures...not me!!!! Post more!!!



At 1:08 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

@Karthik: You got me there!

@AB:As you say,Madam,as you say.


At 6:15 pm, Blogger Madhu B G

Hey a very nice pic....
And hey thanks for visiting my blog... I had forgotten abt it myself :P


At 11:05 pm, Blogger Vivek Tulsidas

very cute pic...
were u by any chance praying so that you would get into electronics? :)


At 11:23 am, Blogger Willie Baronet

That is such a cute pic.