Tuesday, January 03, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 7:40 pm
A Tete-a-tete between me and me

ME: So, you've finished the Analog communication paper.
ME: Yeah, I have.
ME: So, how do you feel?
ME: Oh, how I feel? Let's see, shall we? I feel dejected, deprived, stressed, betrayed, hurt, sad, demeaned, de-
ME:Ok, Ok, I get it. It was that bad, huh?
ME: Oh, bad is NOT the word for it. (Gazes into space, lost in thoughts)
ME: Then what is?
ME: What is what?
ME: What is the word for it?
ME: (Blinks stupidly) Word for what?
ME: (Pause) You're a little thick today, aren't you?
ME: Don't ask. It's the result of giving such an effed up paper. (Makes a rude hand gesture)
ME: Hey, no need to show the finger. Ok, so the paper was tough. I bet loads of people found it so too.
ME: Well, I bumped into a few who did exceptionally well. #$%^@! (That gesture again)
ME: What are you mad at them for? Maybe they worked hard and did well. You didn't work hard-
ME: (Murderous glare)
ME: Ok, you worked hard but not that hard, and you didn't fare so well. You reap, you sow, you get?
ME: I'll tell you what I won't be getting... marks, that's what. I'm screwed!
ME: Don't be ridiculous! How much are you losing?
ME: Don't even remind me of how many marks I'll lose! Do you want me to cry? (Tears threaten to break out of the surface)
ME: (Hastening to change the subject because the last thing me wants is for me to bawl out like a baby) What's next?
ME: (head in hand, looking down) Digital signal processing, day after tomorrow.
ME: Tell me you've prepared for that.
ME: No.
ME: What on Earth were you doing all these days?
ME: Blogging, scrapping people on Orkut, that kind of thing.
ME: (Closes eyes, hoping for a miracle) I don't want to say things to you, but you're making it really difficult for me to do that.
ME: Shut up, you're supposed to cheer me up and give me confidence!
ME: Oh, that's right, sorry. Ok, don't worry about AC, concentrate on DSP. You like DSP right?
ME: (Brightening) Oh, yeah. It's a fascinating subject.
ME: Scoring subject, too. (Winks)
ME: Yeah, that too. I'll do better this time, won't I?
ME: Yes you will, darling. Yes you will.

Moral of the story: It's good to talk to yourself.


At 9:03 pm, Blogger shari

This post is so creative! I hope you do well with DSP!


At 11:18 am, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Thanks :)


At 1:28 pm, Blogger Div

I'm sure u'll do better in DSP...and if u r reading this before the exam, just close the browser window right now and head straight for the books.

In a few days it certainly will be celebration time!


At 1:37 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Note: Dsp went pretty well. Yay!


At 1:24 pm, Blogger Div



At 10:59 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

note no.2: The third subject,transmission lines was even better... The smiles are returning :)


At 2:22 am, Blogger Abigail Alexis~

He,he,he funny post.

By the way, I used to love that song "These boots are made for walking" when I was a little child. My Mother would play it for me, I would put on my boots, and dance around. LOL. I think I was like five. :P

:) AB


At 4:20 pm, Blogger Raju PP

i was about to ask how did DSP go, and i just saw tat in ur comments :-D
good good
btw, i got a gold medal in DSP :-D


At 5:19 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

I did Advanced microprocessors pretty well!


At 5:20 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

I didn't read that comment before.. Gold medal,did you say?


At 11:50 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Telecom and switching was okey-dokey.Not much to harp about.I didn't expect to do spectacularly either.


At 12:29 pm, Blogger Arvind Iyer

the post tickled me.
great concept.


At 12:27 am, Blogger emanish

heh ! .. cool...
check this one out too..



At 12:28 am, Blogger Vivek Tulsidas

nice post...i also had a simialr conversation with myself...after lets say NA,EC,power elec,Control Sys,AC,DSP...

and im sure the list will go on...