Monday, September 19, 2011
posted by Anamika Anyone at 9:52 am
I've started reading Eat Pray Love. Again and again this week, I'm coming across books, videos and people who talk about the importance of self discipline and its relationship with freedom. One cannot be without the other. They cannot sustain on their own for long.

Everyday I must to little. Little by little, I can grow big.
If it is to be, it is up to me. Attitude!
Name list! Dream list! My basics!
Upline-downlne relationship. Edification of downline.

1/1/108: Fitness: Zilch.
Business: Systems-training by Ruth, had invited Shashi, Abhishek, Kothi and Anusha for WGS, but none turned up(Must invite stronger!), showed a plan for Vathsala(amidst noise, and yelling kids)-guy wants to do it but then got fed crap about NWM by his friend-must meet him and educate. Watched Pathman video-attitude. Awesome!
Misc: Hookahed, drank Long Island Iced Tea(My fav cocktail!) and ate Eggs and Chicken with Shetty, Jani, Hui, Ruth. Not again for a whole month. I am OFF non-veg, alcohol and hookah till Oct 20th 2010! But had a good time.

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