Sunday, January 01, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 11:28 am



At 12:43 am, Blogger shari

Nice pics. :)
I actually own a large pink colored fake diamond thing. lol
just because I like it.


At 2:14 am, Blogger Abigail Alexis~

Presious stones never held much allure to me, but I love clocks. Anyway, Happy new year!!! Wishing you all the best in 2006!!!

:) AB


At 10:51 am, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Thanks AB!
I've never liked other stones much,but I think I'll never say no to diamonds.. I'm a material girl :)


At 6:15 am, Blogger Abigail Alexis~

He,he,he....well I probally need to be more materialistic. LOL, I am not saying that I hate diamonds or anything. I used to make jewlery, and I used all sorts of stones. I like Amistists a lot. Amber,and Jade is also really preatty. My birth stone is an opal. And I think they are lovey, thaugh I hear that they can make people go crazy.



At 5:22 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Opals make people lose it? I've not heard that before.. Hmmm..