Saturday, August 28, 2010
posted by Anamika Anyone at 3:47 pm
Most of the people I've met go through their lives governed by the circumstances. It's like they're at the passenger seat of the car that is their life, and are watching someone else drive it. What's worse, they think their happiness depends on their circumstances.

What a sad way to live.

"I'll be happy when my kids listen to me" "Life will be good if I get a good wife" "If only I had that house!"

I'm not promoting asceticism here. It's good to want things. There's a good long list of things I want to do, to be, to have. My current circumstances however, do not get me down. What I have is not a wish list, something I wonder about in my idle time. It's my dream list, the things I know I'll get/be/achieve. And my actions, regardless of my environment, moods, beliefs, continually strive in that direction.

Wouldn't this be a more empowering way to live? I leave it to you.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010
posted by Anamika Anyone at 6:58 pm

My dreams are like the Sun.
Light in me, dispelling all fears,
A sunny Talisman, to me near,
Nourishing, feeding, my mind.
My dreams, brightly they burn.

My dreams are like Water.
Everflowing, ever evolving.
Waning, waxing, forming and dissolving.
Playing with the child in me,
My dreams, they grow and learn.

My dreams are like the Wind.
Against my face, cool and wild
Some days, strong, some mild.
Taking me this place and that,
My dreams, make me jump and turn.
