Monday, December 29, 2008
posted by Anamika Anyone at 6:30 am
The Writer had watched the man hard at work. He had watched the man penniless and homeless. He had watched as the man rose in luck, prosperity and fame. Watched him buy a palace, marry twice, sell his ideas for millions and find happiness, incredible as it seemed.

Now the Writer watched the man weep, after losing everything he had and everything he cared for. Watched. Listened. Smiled.

And wrote.

The Writer was virtual-world famous. His story about the rise and fall of the Man was holding thousands of readers in its enthralling grip. With a gentle laugh, marveling over his plot and his way with words, the Writer wrote about the man who was weeping, the man who lost everything.

Misery is always a great crowd-puller, yeah.
