Tuesday, November 11, 2008
posted by Anamika Anyone at 11:01 pm
Its surprising how difficult it is to do anything when your right arm is in a cast. I knew it would be hard, but not this hard. New lessons in patience.

Yesterday evening I heard my right thumb snap. I was dancing and practicing for a step that required me to do some push ups on one hand. My hand was not swelling right away, so I figured it was no big deal. This morning my thumb was swelling at an exponential rate. Time to go to the doc.

At the hospital, when I was waiting in line at the pharmacy (The doc had prescribed painkillers) I noticed something. All the people working in the lower economic strata in Bangalore were Kannadigas. OK, not the real bottom feeders like beggars or rag pickers, but the petty shopkeepers, the fruit vendors, etc. And all these people were highly biased towards Kannadigas. That is why I make sure I talk in Kannada when the situation looks like it could need a turn. Wait, did what I just wrote seem highly snobbish? Well, I really ought to take those painkillers.

The past three weeks had some days when I started my morning with lots of coffee and war paint on my face. Busy,busy,busy. But I like busy. Busy keeps me happy.

I finished reading “A tale of two cities”-Dickens and “The great Gatsby”-Scott Fitzgerald. The former tale won my heart, the latter weirded me out. I did not identify with the story, or the characters, or the author. But “A tale...” had me thinking..Carton or Darnay?

I saw “The promotion”. See, this is what I like about such movies;their portrayal of characters. They're neither good nor bad, just in-between. Putting oneself in others' shoes is only a matter of perspective. Its good if you can do that, it helps your flexibility. But it doesn't mean that one side is necessarily right. So if there is no right or wrong, how do we decide what man can do and cannot? Won't all human laws be defunct? Ooh, I won't go there, that's an ugly topic.

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At 11:14 pm, Blogger Doug P. Baker

On those two books, I am so with you! Tale of Two Cities absolutely draws me in; Great Gatsby seems to be about an alien race with which I have nothing in common.

Sorry about your thumb.


At 7:58 pm, Blogger Aravind Ingalalli

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At 7:21 pm, Blogger Aravind Ingalalli

I am sorry about your hand, but being positive you may opt to become an ambidextrous???
But one thing about you; more you get busy with other things, more you run away from yourself.........
Think yourself, isn’t it?
(Some bad lines: I’ve semiconductor memory, I could understand only 11 11 01 {day and time when you posted} out of your post, and, you say kannadigas of low economic strata don’t tolerate English) ??..??


At 10:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

Doug: Thanks, my thumb is feeling better now.. Keep visiting!

Aravind: Hi! No, I've come to the conclusion that I don't have it in me to turn ambidextrous.. No problem, coz I'm 90% left handed anyway.. I do have a tendency to turn my back on life's issues..Sometimes.. Ok, all the time, but I'm working on it. :)