Sunday, April 22, 2007
posted by Anamika Anyone at 11:20 pm
Shari tagged me with this one here. Bit of a revelation, for me as well.

A- Available or Single?
Single, not available. I'm rather unreachable, I'm afraid.

B- Best Friend.
Give me a book and I'm done.

C- Chocolate cake or chocolate pie?
Who cares? As long as its chocolate its yummy.

D- Dress up or casual? (your typical attire)
Casual mostly.

E- Essential Item.
Chewing gum. I've got to have one with me at all times.

F- Favorite Color.
Scarlet and white. Yup. I can imagine Freud's bewilderment.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms.
Neither please!

H- Hobbies
Writing nonsense, thinking about nonsense, that kind of thing.

I- Indulgence
As I've divulged time and again, books and earrings.

J- January or February dad's birthday.

K- Kids
Are the only "real" humans here on Earth.

L- Life is incomplete without…
Joie de vivre.

M- Money or Love (unlimited)choose only one.

N- Night Owl or Morning Person
Night owl nowadays.

O- Oranges or Apples?
Oranges definitely. I love citrus so much I think I'll name my firstborn 'citrus'.

P- Phobias/Fears.
I fear fear. I think people who know me well have seen that in me.

Q-Quote personally from you.
Life can never go "past" you. It is always with you no matter how fast or slow you go.

R- Rock Star or Actor (which would you be?)
Rock star.

S- Share something you've learned recently
You seriously want to learn about orbit control systems?

T- Tag Three People.
You're on if you think you've mastered the English alphabet.

U- Unknown or little known fact about you.
I am a terrible pillion rider.

V– Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals.
Vegetarian for almost 8 years now.

W- Worst habit/habits.
I use too many punctuation marks and type too damn slow.

oooos. I'm a blabbermouth and this is more symbolic that way.

Y- Your "first love" ...what was their name?
Howard Roark :)

Z- Zodiac sign
I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp. (Rush calls me cuspo)




At 4:04 am, Blogger shari

yeah...what are orbit control systems??? :)


At 3:21 pm, Blogger Ahmer Hasan

Hey hey hey !!!!! I would like to object to the whole "oppressor of Animals" propaganda in this post.

Everyone in this world kills and eats. Some kill plants and veggies and then consume 'em... others include the animal kingdom in their diets as well. I know you haven't written this but still... Propaganda always makes me see RED !!! :-p

Maybe you could pass this back to the "oppressor of plants and vegetables" perhaps ?!?! ;-)


At 3:27 pm, Blogger Poulomi Bhadra

hey.....howard's my first love too......are we similar or are we jus being like every many people love Howard, mera number kab aayega?