Wednesday, March 21, 2007
posted by Anamika Anyone at 5:00 pm
I lost my cellphone two days ago. Someone stole it, rather. And I'm grieving. Call me a basket case but I'm grieveing the loss of my cellphone.

I have this habit of naming inanimate objects and getting attached to them over time. I hadn't named my phone. I don't think I got very attached to it either. But now that its gone, I miss it. Of course, I got a new one, coz, hello, got to stay connected in this stupid global village, but I'm not able to get around the fact that its just a phone that I lost, a commodity. Thats why, I dedicate this to Mr. NoName (I figured he's got to be a guy), who was a simple but efficient phone and my constant companion for two years. May you be used gently by the SOB who took you away from me.

P.S: The intelligent reader may be wondering "If you love the silly phone so much, Why the hell are you not trying to track down the thief?" Interesting story. I'll narrate it some other time. I'll leave you with a little tease though; It involves a suspicious SIM card and the complacent 'chalta hai' attitude fairly typical to Indians.




At 8:05 pm, Blogger Shanshu

That sucks that you lost your phone...or that it was stolen. Either way, it sucks.

I lost my phone when I got back from I couldn't call anybody to tell them I was home. It sucked.

Oh, and I name things, too. Usually my car or something else I use on a regular basis. My current car is named Jasmine and she rules.

I also have a GPS named Sheila.


At 8:16 pm, Blogger Terra Shield

`Yikes... getting the phone stolen is horrible... Same thing happened to me back in 2001. I get attached to things too, like that stolen phone of mine, or this old perfume bottle (sans perfume) that I got from the gang a long time ago!


At 12:34 am, Blogger Ookami Snow

So why does the phone have to be a guy?


At 7:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

My condolences!


At 5:41 am, Blogger shari

How are you and your new phone bonding?


At 7:57 pm, Blogger indian lucifer

I stole it and ate the sim card!


At 9:28 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Shanshu: I'm glad we share the same characteristics :)

Terra: Perfume-less perfume bottle? I'd love to hear the story on that one.

Ookami: I don't really know.

Pooja: Thank you.

Shari:We're just getting used to each other these days.

Lucifer: You ate the SIM card? Ooh, how's the stomach?