Wednesday, July 21, 2010
posted by Anamika Anyone at 8:02 pm


You look at me

And I forget everything,

A mere smile on your lips

Can make me sing and dance.

When you speak to me

No other voice, I hear

The world becomes a haven

When I find you near.

When I’m not with you

I feel lonely and scared

Then I remember the moments

And the joys we shared.

Then, on my face, there comes a glow,

A hope that we will survive

Through obstacles, high and low.

Now hear me say the words, sweet and true

You are everything for me; I love you.




At 4:39 pm, Blogger Aravind Ingalalli

Welcome back to blogger! A beautiful poem, and........


At 10:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

a nice read. welcome back after such a loooooooooong break.


At 2:59 pm, Blogger adityagarg

nice!!! Loved to read A beautiful poem :)


At 11:56 am, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Thanks Adi! :)