Monday, December 11, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 10:40 pm
"Spend the hour blogging, and you will discover many more free hours during the day."-Mickey Kaus

One question that has crossed my mind is; Why do people blog? Nowadays, this is the same as asking why people keep journals or write books. But still, let me go through the possible reasons of blogging.Number one:Its a cool thing to do. Indeed, according to the Times Of India Sunday section, blogging is one of the ubercool activities of this generation. So, do I blog because its cool? I don't think so. Because A, many in my social circle don't know about my blog. If I wanted to be cool, I would have announced it to the world. And B, if I really wanted to do cool things, I would take salsa lessons or speed-date(These are other "cool" pastimes according to the TOI).Number two:Its a big ego booster. There's no arguing with that. After a long, tiring day, it feels good to see that my post has elicited so many responses, or that someone new likes my blog template. But lets not get carried away. Virtual popularity is not the sole reason for blogging. Atleast not for me.Number troix:Its an opportunity to yell, rant and rave. True, in a way. A blog is a place to bitch about things and get it out of our system but honestly, if that was all we did, the blogosphere would have been a lot less cheerful.Number four:Its a creativity outlet. This is the reason for which the smallest (and maybe the best) section of bloggers blog. Its the drive to make yourself a better writer, and maybe a better person. Its to take the bullet train of totally uncorrelated thoughts in your head and to give them a common track. And, to serendipitously discover that someone knows exactly what you feel. Number five:For money. This one is as obvious as the click-on-me ads it supports. I really have no opinion on this reason.
To tell you the truth, I blog because of all of the above reasons. Except the fifth one, atleast for now. I blog because I want to, and I think that's reason enough. Then why was I blabbering about the various reasons of blogging till now? Just so you read it, my friend. :)


At 12:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous

1 through too. :)


At 6:08 am, Blogger indian lucifer

those are really some Bold statements you have made across... especially at the end when you considered the essential four!.. i am so well shocked as i was going to write about why people blog in my ways. but after reading yours... i think you`v done enough to explain to put myself in those shoes .. cheers


At 4:09 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Thanks Lucifer!
P.S:This is the second reason kicking in :)


At 8:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

I agree we may all have aspects of reasons 1-4 behind our blogging but I have seen a great many blogs that have been started and then abandoned after a few weeks or a few months, probably because of a lack of number four. If someone starts just for attention they'll quickly realize that maintaining a blog can be quite a task if you want attention but have nothing worthwhile to say. As for reason five, I personally can't stand the whole "pay-per-post" thing. It's like TV ads during the movie want to throw a soda at the screen or something!