Wednesday, November 01, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 10:20 pm
I got this epiphany-sort-of-thingy just now, and since I hardly get these kind of things, let me write this down:

Those in this world who've figured out what to do with their lives are not in any way greater than those who haven't. After all, better late than never.

For those who already know this and are going "Duh!" in their minds:Don't be arrogant. People learn at different speeds and not everyone's a genius like you.
For those who didn't know this: Duh!


At 11:08 pm, Blogger Kartik

where you been? exams kya?


At 4:23 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Nahin yaar, just busy, wrapped up in my own mundane life..But I got drawn again to my beloved blog.I always do..