Sunday, November 12, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 6:31 pm
I just saw Gangster. I thought it was an amazing movie.I normally don't love overtly romantic movies(or books, for that matter;I nearly puked after reading a Mills and Boon), but this movie I thoroughly enjoyed. It tugs at the heart, once you've got around to ignoring the fact that Emraan Hashmi is in it. The songs are amazing. I have my favourite one playing down here, its titled "Hamaari adhuri kahani-Our incomplete story". Just too good. All the actors acted well, like in a good team, supporting and bringing out the best in each other(something very hard to see in most movies). One particular performance moved me so much; that of the gangster-in-love-with-the-bar-dancer-who-saves-him, Daya, played by Shiney Ahuja( This guy doesn't have nearly as many dialogues to deliver as the other man characters, but lord, he speaks with his eyes!). Speaking of whom, I want you to take a good look at him:

What do you think? I find him quite good-looking. I confess, I wanted to watch the movie partly because he's starring :) But a lot of my friends don't. I can just picture Shruti's response when I told her my opinion (She rolled her eyes, made a face and said "Him? Good-looking?") But good looks and cuteness lies in the eyes of the beholder. I, for one, don't find Brad Pitt exceedingly breathtaking.(Shocking,isn't it?) But it seems like I've always had weird tastes. Yesterday, I was watching a reality show on TV and remark over a bearded guy looking somewhat like Jesus Christ, "That guys cute." When I told my friend about it the next day, he looked at me like I'd gone mental. Similarly, after watching the Goblet of Fire, my approval went not to the guy who palyed Cedric Diggory's role, as was the fashion, but to the Bulgarian who played Viktor Krum.
Anyway, back to Gangster, if you've not watched it, I'd recommend it to you. A good one.



At 9:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

u find that guy cute???? omg.....


At 10:36 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Thas exactly what everybody says... Hmmm.. Is he really that "uncute"? My eyes don't see it.


At 9:37 am, Blogger Terra Shield

You're not alone... I find that mystrious, rugged look highly appealing too. And yes, the actor who played Viktor Krum was hot!


At 10:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous

Oh he is cute! I'll have to check the movie out. I hadn't heard of it.


At 2:30 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Liz: Check it out.I think its Oscarworthy.

Terra:So true!