Monday, September 04, 2006
posted by Anamika Anyone at 9:33 pm
My mornings usually aren't the "Happy Bubbly Sunshine!" kind. Especially weekday mornings. But they aren't "Hell Day" types either. When I get up, I'm in a haze. Other people don't bother me, as if I have the words "Back off, I bite!" stamped on my forehead. But all you need is a tapful of cold cold water and some strong tea to transform that grump to the delight that is me.
Today morning, it was different. I woke up today with a feeling of utter doom. I was fine, physically, but mentally I was feeling as though the world was coming to an end. I didn't want to get up. I wanted to stay home, watch crummy K soaps, eat Mom's comfort food, and laze. I would have readily done all that if not for the "attendance" twist in the tale. I plan to have no attendance shortage atleast this semester so that I'll spend the fag end of it in peace. I'll have exams coming up, but I'll be cramming in peace nevertheless.
You win some, you lose a lot. Sighhh!


At 3:39 am, Blogger Samarth Bharadwaj

i know wat that feels like

jus gone thru with me exams too! ^_^

still a little dazzed

attendence is such an issue!!god it haunts me....


At 11:04 pm, Blogger Anamika Anyone

Four years of engg life, and one of the most important things we learn is the skill to manipulate our leave days..:)